Darkness Reborn bento box!@@!@@!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RossGeller4, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. Notice to Mods if this isnt allowed please lock or delete if nesscary thanks. Ill give people sometime on this challenge its for a bento box the chibi one not the 5 ec one haha if you beat me in PvP aka player VS player simple i will give you the bento box no questions asked. Game is darkness reborn let me know.
  2. But this isn't PC :lol: (well I think that was on PC anyways) why not make it here on pimd instead? Since y'know that's the game your on right now :)
  3. Pimd PvP
  4. Haha smart but that will never happen. Guve it try anyway.
  5. looks like dh4/dh5
  6. Ahhhhh the scammers back
  7. Go try it guys ofc theres a time limit so goodluck!!!!!