Somehow with only half your face showing you somehow ended up twice as gay that Marilyn Manson bending over and bearing his cheeks to the crowd.
Yess i know but they do a poo job at roasting me thats why. I atleast wanna get alittle bit offended or laugh ?
This dude looks like a streetside hooker who never gets any customers. I can actually hear you say "Yo! 20 cents for tittygrab and $5 dollar for half-n-half :| And damn that face is so ugly you look like a hobbit did a pillsbury doughboy :roll: Tbh if I was your father I'd shove you back in your mama and get vasectomy done asap :|
This guy here looks like a kid from the lost kid posters who actually ran away from home cause they get bullied by every mf kid in school. That shirt makes you look like a coal miner got a promotion :roll: and idk I have a feeling that you come with a key at the back which makes you clap your hands and spin on your head
Okay not good. You roasted my first pic just about failed to offend me or make me laugh except for being mean to Louie. You refused to roast the 2nd pic but you did good on the 3rd one so overall it was okay but your the only person that roasted me well so thanks
Its not meant to offend its meant to be fun. Which is what youre sucking out of it by being Simon from American Idol
haha fine then i wanna laugh which i only did in the last pic you roasted my elephant onesie so were cool haha