I know not many people are in to this but I thought it might be a good thread because I'm a beauty expert. I'd rather not hear hate I'm just here to help people feel good about themselves If you want to know about any of the following leave a comment and I'll give you my tips and tricks •preventing acne •getting smoother skin (at home remedies) •getting rid of acne •having smooth curly hair •getting rid of split ends •adding shine to your hair •foods to help lose weight •makeup tips •hair products •hair growth •other And if you have any other questions or problems let me know and I will do my best to answer them. They can be about diets, hair, makeup, skin, nails. I am a license hairdresser and cosmetologist, I've read ever text book out there about these topics so you can trust my answers
How are you a self proclaimed "beauty expert"? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Girl is high on those hair product fumes.
@orangeslushy I studied to become a beautician for 4 years. I'm not telling people how to become beautiful I'm answering questions they have about themselves because some people have insecurities like acne or other things. I want people to feel comfortable with themselvesthat's all doll
And @caspertheghost to make your curls nice and shiny you can do a few things 1) you can put olive oil or coconut in your hair, wrap it in a plastic bag and leave it over night. Wash it in the morning 2) you can also put a serum or oil (I suggest Moroccan oil the label is blue and orange) you can put that in wet or dry. 3) more natural products that have aloe in them are also great for shine ex: loma, that line is all natural and great for shine and making your hair look healthy Hope I helped
@stab to slow down hair growth you want to slow the blood circulation in your head so you don't want to brush your scalp as often or massage it as often. Depending on how oily or greasy your hair gets don't wash it every day. Wash it only when you need to Hope these tips help
@stab to slow down hair growth you want to slow down the blood circulation in your scalp, so I recommend these things 1) don't brush your hair as often 2) don't get it cut as often 3) don't massage your scalp as often 4) only shampoo your hair when you have to. Don't do it every day And also I'm guessing you have pretty short hair, when your hair is short you notice it grows back faster so growing it out a little longer can also help. And if your barber gives you and edge up as him to go over it a few times to really make sure he's getting all the hairs down to the skin Hope this helps
Yes there are foods that can help burn calories faster and speed up your metabolism are you interested in knowing some?
Oh darling a real man will like you for you not for the size of your breasts. I can tell you but I don't want you to think you're not already perfect. Never change yourself for others. Do it for yourself
You have to do chest exercises like push-ups chest presses, ect. This won't increase the actual size it will increase the underlying muscle to make them perky and go more outward
I don't need that because my hair is already curly in glossy in I think everyone is flawless for who they are
I agree that everyone is flawless too girl! Some people just have insecurities and don't think they are flawless which makes me sad): so I just like helping people be happy
Do you have any brand suggestions for false eyelashes and matte lipstick. I already have a couple from Anastasia Beverly Hills but those are extremely expensive