
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -DJFP, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. Well , Do you guys believe in Heaven and Hell? Why? 
  2. Nah I think it'll be more like a deep sleep. And one day you might wake up again
  3. Well my god carries a hammer so...
  4. I know they both exist because the religion of Creature Rp exists which means I am definitely in hell.
  5. Why do people keep bringing this up?
    Your thread's gonna get locked as soon as a bible thumper spits fire and brimstone at all of our sinning, nonGodfearing asses. :roll: :lol:
  6. I believe in Jesus, because one time a lady saw his face in some toast ? never seen satan on some white bread though
  7. I thought you were going to ask WHAT ARE THOOOOOOSE

    But no. I don't really
  8. I see no reason why i should
  9. Nonexistent.
  10. Neither do i
  11. Satan lives inside the toaster... making the hot stuff with his minions
  12. Yas you forgot one middle part but meh

    I'm a believer ?
  13. Debates are closely monitored for discrimination or to get out of hand but we mods try to give them a chance to run their course :)... But yes the outcomes are usually the same.

  14. Or some atheist that pushes atheism on others and bashes other relifions proudly but complains that others' religion is being shoved down their throat when someone mentions they're believers.

    Same difference.
  15. Why is what people believe relevant on a game! All that happens on these threads is bible bashers and brain washed idiots who think they are better than everyone else because they worship a statue or a book, start dissing everyone else's beliefs and people end up getting annoyed..
    And I do respect what you all believe js unless your rude about it and start shoving it down people's throats, anyways i hope this gets locked asap
  16. People are just looking for an argument... You know this topic is going to cause drama so why did you even post it... Because he wants popularity
  17. I believe in Spitfire.

    Cause yolo :lol: