Post Quotes You Used The Most.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by i_Too_Ch1ll_4_U_, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. "You forget a thousand things everyday. Make sure this is one of em."
    "Don't piss on my face and tell me that it's raining."
    "There's always gonna be people who will tell you no. But there's always one person who will say 'I want that person. Let's do this.'"
  2. "Tea"
    "Ayo I'm sleep"
  3. "I'm helping you, but it is not a selfless act buddy... The better you are... The lazier I get to be."

    "I was born and raised on what to me seems like a different planet. Sometimes I look at this paradise I live in now, and wonder when I'll be forced to wake up from this dream."

    "Originality is Perfection."

    "A liars still a liar even when she tells the truth."

    "When did it become cool to be mediocre?"

    "The arrogance of humanity is astonishing."

    "My definition of success, is knowing my son will never know of the life that I had to grow up in and is far removed from the struggles of poverty."

  4. Life's not fair
    What is fair is what you make of life
    I just made that up
  5. "I'm not telling you it's going to be EASY,I'm telling you it's going to be WORTH it"
  6. I saw someone say "orayt rak n roll to d world" and I haven't been able to get it out of my head since then.
  7. "If every porkchop was perfect, We wouldn't have hotdogs!"
  8. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
    - Friedrich Nietzsche
  9. Live bad, to die good
  10. I don't use quotes often, I use them rarely.
  11. Crap on a cracker
  13. I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid ?