Key Donating

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fume, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. So here we go with another thread...

    Its getting to a point for giving up with all hunts completely. To say I have opened 100 keys and pretty much got nothing is sickening. I'm highly disappointed with how unfair the odds have been in this hunt.

    Now I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been screwed over by this darn hunt, I'm sure plenty of you younger players and less capable to hunt players are also disgusted with how unfair ata are being to us.

    So let me get to the point... All you experienced players or lcbc players who don't even need to hunt.. Why not donate your keys to players who need a chance of a new avi or who have tried so hard to get one but failed.

    Show how kind you are and give away your keys to people who need them more and share the hope instead of watching all these people fail.

  2. This is such a great post 
  3. actually younger players got a better chance in rare avatars than high stat players ?
  4. Oh just you wait... The haters will come....
    They never learn, such foolish people on this game. I've seen it all.
  5. Some might have been doing so, but only to them close friends.
  6. ??I give mine away to players️

    I think it's weird I got the rare ago first key... So •_•" ️although... I gave most of my keys throughout the old hunts.

    It's all about luck tbh
  7. Send me keys please. Trying to get new avi.. Hopefully the rare avi. Keep getting everything but
  9. Donate me your keys people
    You'll get nothing back, peace yo
  10.  well to be totally honest, these hunts are fabricated to make ata money for the fools who buy cats and kinis for the false hope of getting amazing rewards.

    In all fairness, well done ata for using your amazing sales on each and every hunt. You sure know how to pull our money from our pockets
  11. Well done to all you lucky people.

    100 keys I've used.

    I have nothing to show for it.

    Thanks Ata. Again.
  13. Awww boo hoo  you didn't get a virtual item, so damn tragic 
  14. So that just makes me... Extremely unlucky?
  15. That may sound like sarcasm but I ASSURE you that its not 
  16. Send me keys pls... Im trying my best to have new avi
  17. Anybody want to send me a key? :3 I am failing at this hunt.. xD
  18. It's out of pure luck, many BC players are experiencing the same problems as you so don't try to make a sob story and blame your small stats for your unfortunate luck.

    Last hunt I had two friends that were both BC who opened probably more the 500 keys with no avail xD while other 10kcs players got it within their first 10 keys.
  19. Even though these hunts suck anymore than the older ones, the biggest improvement is that you can get the rare avatars no matter what your kcs is.
  20. What did I say. 
    The haters have arrived 