Disney.. key giveaway

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Jojo, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. Agreed you shall be notified if you win the rp ?
  2. I feel like all of the Disney charecters had something special to offer. Belle taught us to keep an open heart and not to judge people by their appearances, and that being smart is alright. She taught us to give everyone a chance.

    Snow taught us that if you're kind to others, they'll be nice to you, and also not to take food from strangers. She taught us to help nature and wildlife and appreciate what life throws at you.

    Rapunzel taught us to go explore, have fun, and not to be afraid. She taught us that people lie and cheat, but it always turns out okay in the end.

    I could go on and on, but my favorite Disney movie is Lion King due to the portrayal of frendship being the strongest of all bonds, enough to stop a war. It was the Romeo and Juliet of friendship, in a way. Yet they still stayed friends. They overcame the challenges in a way that Romeo and Juliet would never, ever understand. They stood up for themselves. Those two cubs are the true little kids in all of us... We just want friends, people that are kind to us. We don't care about arguments of others. We just need friends.
  3. finally i may win something
  4. Beauty and the Beast is great.

    For the simple reason it shows society. If you're an outcast you get thrown to the curb and judged. If you judged them and spoke aloud society praised you.

    The beast was different so he was reclused. Belle was different, they thought she was odd for reading so much. Belle's father was different, so they shipped him off in a straight jacket.

    It has such a powerful message.

    And damn those songs are catchy.
    And I wanted all my lamps and cups to come alive.

    Screw my original reason, this film is the best because it just freaking is.

  5. I like all Disney movies! They've taught me so much about morals etc.

    You can't just like one they're all pretty cool.

    Even as an adult I love them lol
  6. My favorite Disney Movie was Tarzan. What I saw in that movie is that everyone is raised differently. A man is raised by apes and a woman is raised by her parents. Thing is, they both taught each other things. Tarzan learned to speak English and to walk like a Human Being and dress like one as well. Jane learned the way of the Apes. She didn't learn the language yet I'm pretty sure she's still trying. Plus, it also shows that even beautiful things are in the wildlife. I think what really touched my heart the most is when Kerchak finally accepted Tarzan as his son but he did it at his last dying breath. I'm saddened that Tarzan had to prove himself to Kerchak that he did belong to the Ape Family. Other than that, there was no discrimination between Tarzan and Jane.
  7. Pirates of the Carribean (?) lol cos of it's storyline and Johnny Depp
  8. My fav is Frozen. Cause elsa was like a boss
  9. I liked that one movie with Waldo...
  10. The Aristocats?
  11. I absolutely love Lilo and Stitch. Princess movies not my thing. However Lilo and Stitch is the best example of sacrifice for family. Nani the older sister has to take care of Lilo due to the parents death. She protects Lilo. Lilo is weird and has a huge imagination but Nani doesn't care. She goes there develops photos of Lilos stuff. She doesn't question purge the fish only helps Lilo when she finds no peanut butter. She even doesn't blame Lilo or Stitch for losing her job she just says he's a vampire. I could go on and on. Honestly she only ever gets mad a Lilo when she is about to lose Lilo. There is true meaning behind "Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten." It doesn't show some glamorous family. It shows a struggling family trying to make ends meet and the true power of love for family.
  12. I liked Brave. Unlike the other Disney Princess movies, this movie didn't have the same old prince-princess-happily-ever-after story. It's a beautiful story about the bond between a mother and her daughter. It shows that whatever your mom does, she does it for YOU.
  13. I loved and still love Mulan, Brave too. Mulan shows that sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, that a girl can fight for herself and doesn't need a guy. It also shows that a girl can stand on her own for what she loves and believes in. Not to mention, the music is kickass and catchy.  I love Brave cause it shows how no matter what happens, the family bond will stay strong forever. Also, similar to Mulan, Merida shows that she doesn't need a man either and she will fight for that right and eventually got her mother to understand her, making them know each other more and strengthening their family bond. 
  14. I like Aladdin because I was dirt poor and even homeless for most of my childhood. had a full time job at 10 and loved on my own with 2 full time jobs by the time I was 14.dropped out of school then too. always wished Robin Williams would have come to make me laugh. that's why when people are down I just act really happy and use some sweet funny, usually dirty one liners to cheer them up.

    Posting this for a friend who wants to stay anonymous <3 and loving everyone's answers and thoughts btw Disney seems to have made a huge impact on people in some way or another
  15. first half made me cry :cry:
  16. ^
  17. May have been my favorite entry by far. :lol:
  18. Love it, made me laugh ?
  19. I love The Little Mermaid and Beauty And The Beast bc it was just amazing.
  20. I love Cinderella story, cause her life is like mine not the happy ending and not the prince charming what i mean is that i've been good to people but they didn't seem to appreciate it, they don't care for what i did and they only care for themselves.