[GUIDE] How-To Gif Signature

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ArtRENAMED, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Slush provided his own gif, I just slapped on some words.
  2. Hell yeah, this right here is the business!
  3. Glad you like it. 
  4. Noice. Thanks OP :)
  5.  thank you love ?
  6. For Ryan (he provided gif, I added his name):

  7. Thank you jugs

  8. Cool.. ?? thank you?
  9. Adding to the picture guide️
  10. Bump ?
  11. So it's not letting me paste the url from giphy into the image editor... Suggestions?
  12. Can you post the link to your gif here? Not with the imgfit and so on, but the url link.
  13. Actually press and hold the gif, you'll see options pop up, such as "Copy" or "Save" and so on. Hit "Copy". Do not take the actual url from the web browser.
  14. That's what I did, and when I hit past, nothing pastes

  15. This is the gif I was trying to use though