Suicide Awareness Month

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by wolfpack-forever, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. You're right. None of us can judge any other person for having a different view. It makes me mad when people disrespect subject though.
  2. Im glad you were saved.. Suicide is not the answer, you can find happiness you just have to take help and you are stronger than you think, suicide only makes people you love and care for feel depressed its a vicious cycle so stay and work through it for them <3.. It can get better even though it doesn't feel like it when you are feeling so low, its just the rain before the rainbow x
  3. They're gone..
    They didn't sacrifice for great reason, unless it's a Kavorkian-like terminal illness...
    Just let this one decinigrate.
    People die..
    That's what happens
  4. Praise OP for this thread. I was diagnosed with depression once for years, had suicide attempts but managed to survive. I went through the illness after meeting some awesome people in my life, they did their best to help me. Shoutout to anyone who needs to talk, regardless if we know eachother, my pm is always open ?
  5. I Have Depression ? I'm Still Trying To Get Through It ...
  6. You will <3 its a struggle but anyone can get through it, think positive even tho its hard and get out and exercise and get medical advice if you haven't already x
  7. <3
  8. You attempt you're just plain stupid. Nothing is that bad.  weak minded
  9. I think you've been eating too much cat poop.
    Depression is an ILLNESS. It needs to be treated by a doctor. Suicide is sometimes the outcome of those who are untreated. Does everyone with depression commit suicide? Nope. Is suicide the only option? Of course not. The difference between mentally healthy people and those suffering from depression is that the healthy ones can understand there are other options, while a depressed individual sees no other options.
  10. Marcos I remember when ur old main told someone to jump out a 5-story window and it got forum banned...
    Was said in a humorous way but still it's kinda ridiculous after all this time...

    And about thread, sorry, I was one of those depressed kids...and judging from the number of these threads, I guess can thank ATA for letting kids on this game for that....
    And naw, I had a therapist and phone numbers and this and that to turn to.. Didn't help...
    Sorry I don't believe in all you guys' Pollyanna beliefs that things like this make 2 damns of a difference in the real world, cuz it don't?
  11. What's wrong with this thread? It's just like any support thread for breast cancer or autism awareness. Just because you're indifferent towards it doesn't mean other people are. You don't have to support what others support, but don't disrespect it either. Funny because there were threads like these even before ATA lowered the age requirement. That's a lame argument in itself.
  12. You've never had anyone suicidal around you if you think suicide isn't that bad. I haven't either, but I realize that it ruins lives. Not just for the one who committed suicide, but for the people who cared about them. They may feel it was their fault they died, get depressed, and maybe even kill themselves. It's a horrible circle that has no endpoints, unless you learn that suicide isn't the answer.

    You may not care about people like that, those who feel they are unloved by others because they were mocked for saying it. Or even those who say nothing. But others do care.
  13. There weren't 3 of these suicide based threads at one time in actives ever as I recall..

    And I'm not disrespecting it, if you all want to waste your time...I just don't think a Thead on a free phone app is any help, but be my guest if it makes you feel better like it does.. My opinion, and you can have yours 
  14. I understand the awareness that the OP is trying to bring to the community, and I think it took a lot of courage to post this. I respect that.
  15. ?Very well written and informative postI never knew September was suicide awareness month.
  16. She's right so please don't make fun of it and help out