Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _A_Bad_Evil_VT_Rehab_Pimd, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. Cmon guys we can do this
  2. Hello all my blue buds! We can do this!
  3. Any blue clubs unlocking ppa or cc?
  4. Party hard, party fairies :D
  5. 
  6. What do we do in this colour hunt thing?
  7. 
  8. Blue!! We are going to win for sure.. :)
  9. ORANGE
  10. Any blue clubs I can party in??
  11. ????EAT A FROG????
  12. Blueeeeeee
  14. Hey B2B parties at my club! Blue is welcome! 20kcs and up! TheyHateUsCuzTheyAinus
  15. 