A little about FF's CC retirement

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ToyBot, Aug 12, 2015.

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  1. Tea
  2. Lel
  3. In FF whole time, my ass lels. & if you didnt care, you would have FF still running as a cc club, are yuh dumb?
  4. Yeah^

    In other words. "If hits made me mad ff would still be doing cat cafe"
  5. Lol just let her talk. She's in her own little world.

    Mags you'd be doing the community a favor locking this nonsense. ?️

    Roy Roy 
  6. Ever notice cc clubs are like cockroaches? If you squash one, it breaks the egg sack and 1500 more are born. They must be carefully exterminated.

    Savage after my current skuffle let's make a club called The Exterminators <3 We could have lots of fun!
  7. I was in ff the whole time lel. And cc is boring just as pimd has become. I don't owe anyone an explanation tbh. My friends know
  8. Julie you take this game too seriously. Take it easy
  9. How is roaches censored? Use your imagination for the first part of the word I guess
  10. Loooool so true??
  11. Savage always trying to be relevant. 
  12. What are you? 13? 
  13. Take it easy on those drugs there Tiger. Anything making you believe you know how someone else thinks behind a computer screen seems harmful to your health
  14. What is being relevant on pimd? I wasn't aware that I'm trying to be relevant.. Boy.. You and mirr sure can tell a person what they are feeling or doing and why 
  15. That doesn't make sense. This is why I don't bother with forums much anymore. You're an idiot.
  16. yesterday someone on campus said they scammed them out of 20 keys then kicked.. don't know if that's already been said as i didn't read anything but what op said
  17. If Luna was bothered about hits why would she join bad in the middle of this lame sfw
  18. Elaborate.. Or this doesn't makes sense either 
  19. The drugs yo. That's why it doesn't make sence. Perhaps your loved ones should stage an intervention
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