A little about FF's CC retirement

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ToyBot, Aug 12, 2015.

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  1. Well I guess we'll never know what word I used
  2. *sips tea*
  3. I think we all have a pretty good idea :|
    RIP FF ? I stayed with you guys once and I really enjoyed it. You never stop laughing when you're at this club. CC club or not, the people there were pretty awesome  it's a shame the doors are closing.
  4. Tipical mirr ^ Support and banwagon everyone's statements cause he/she don't have a brain to come up with his/her own.

    I've seen this not only here but in group chats.. Its quite hilarious.
  6. Are we going to stay on topic or am I going to have to lock this in a few pages? Let's stay on topic. Kay? Thanks. Bye.

    As long as you still keep in touch with the friends you made there, that's all that should matter?.

  7. Stay on topic pls!

    FF Fam 5ever.

    Ps. I'm clearly not mad about hits or FF would still be up and running. 
  8. :lol: like a boss. :cool:

    Anyway, make a new club and have all the old members join ;-; it doesn't have to be a CC club per sé, but it's a good way to stay in touch .-.
  9. Loool when did I support?
  10. When ppl wanna be relevant?
  11. Says "Stays on topic"


    Tries to proves that she isn't mad about hits..
  12. I always thought mirr was a guy
  13. I AM A GUY

  14. I'm not sure if you're an idiot or just acting like an complete ??
  15. That's supporting? lmao
  16. ?????????????????
  17. ??Justin is my original Pimd man-crush, don't say that bout him?
  18. Example: When you post "Sips Tea" or "Tea" that means you agree which is supporting. But mirr can't think of anyway of showing that's not supporting so he/she ask me is that supporting.
  19. That doesn't make sense 
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