Battle of Sexes 7: Reboot

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ResuscitatedDino, Aug 10, 2015.

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  1. Count me in. Male side BC.

    Also signing in for CC-Misd3a female side BC
  2. Lcbc girl side ?
  3. Where to sign up
  4. ?? Girls side... LCBC

  5. Again, all participants must sign themselves up. No one will be added to the roster who don't sign up themselves
  6. I'm BC- joining girls side. 7.65MC
  7. Female side BC
  8. I'm in ??
  9. Crap guys side ?
  10. ?I'm 7.6mcs, sorry, forgot that earlier ️
  11. 7mcs, female side. Sorry. ?
  12. Male, should be around 3-3.1 million cs by date.
    Please post your real life gender and your current CS.

    We will only consider the account you used to post in this thread. We won't accept any posts made by others for you. If you cant post, please contact an admin. Thank you!
  14. Please count me in.
     lcbc
  15. Count me in. ? Female here. Lcbc.
  16. Please count me in
     lcbc
  17. ?

    LCBC, girls' side!
  18. Please count me in  7.2Mcs ?
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