First Date 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ScoobySnxcks, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. When you go in a for a hug and say you smell different than when you're wake ??

    I've said this before 
    Worth it
  2. Ted Mosby....
  3. If I can't have you, nobody can
  5. Anything pertaining to an ex
  6. You smell good,it will just be wired

  7. 
  8. A friend of mine likes internet dating, so she'd ask me to tag along to give her my opinion of the guy... On one particular occasion, a guy asked for my number. ?

    Needless to say, I'm no longer her go-to when she has an internet date. ?
  9. ? What I was thinking
  10. 1) I got 5 kids
    2) does this look infected?
    3) You pay for the bill, I'm broke.
  11. Remember slushy you dont ask. You just do it. Rule 101 of scooby peeing