Cameron sighs, looping an arm around Olivia's shoulder and resting his head on hers. "Just let us help M, it gets it done quicker," Cameron states. Lauryn smirks, tilting her head slightly as she watches Cale. "You''re more of an asset alive than dead," Lauryn comments with a small shrug.
Cale: "then I suggest you get out while you still can. This room is about to collaspe." Mina: "Just go Cameron. I'll follow."
Cameron sighs, shaking his head. "Usually the agents that say that are usually the first ones dead on a major mission. I never leave anyone behind," Cameron replies. Lauryn shakes her head with a small laugh. "Just because I said alive, it doesn't mean unharmed," Lauryn states.
Cale: "You already harmed me once Lauryn. Not letting that happen again." He threw down a card in front of her causing a light blast blinding her temporarily before vanishing. Mina: "then how you suggest I get out?!"
Lauryn blinks rapidly, muttering curses before putting the safety back on her gun. "Just climb over the damn pile," Lauryn states with a glare as she takes off her mask.
Richard sighs, still smoking his cigarette. "Should've let me use the poison." Caleb heads out of the van and over beside the building.
"Then move your foot," Lauryn states. Cameron grimaces, looking at Mina apologetically. "Li and Ky, you could help her with that couldn't you?" He asks. Olivia nods and Kyle picks Daisy off his lap, putting her in his chair. "I'll be there in a sec," Kyle replies before running up towards the building. Jacob tails Caleb.
Mina: "Oh sure Lauryn! Why don't you come and saw it off me instead?!" Evan took the headpiece off flinching.
"I use guns, not saws. Although I did manage to once with Gorge," Lauryn states. Kyle runs into the room, glaring at Lauryn a bit. "Snap out of it Ry," he says. He joins Cameron and Olivia, quickly assessing the pile. Olivia tugs his hand slightly signalling for him to climb over one side of Mina. He climbs across the pile carefully as Olivia does the same.
Cameron shakes his head slightly as he watches the twins climb over the pile. "They're gymnasts, they'll be fine. Besides, they once had to go through a faeces pit to get out of a trap they got themselves in. Trust me, this is easier for them," Cameron says. Kyle drops down one side of Mina and Olivia lands the other side. "Well that's trapping your foot, then that's trapping that. It should be simple," Kyle comments quietly, his eyes traveling over the debris.
"He doesn't have cooties. He's had his yearly shots," Olivia comments with a smirk. "Don't I love my family's humour," Kyle grumbles as he continues moving debris. "Then climb over that pile if you don't want to be touched," Kyle states.