Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ll_iSid_ll-ll-DarkKnightDevil-, Aug 9, 2015.

  2. Yup
  3. I kinda sorta wanna make an intel build and farm him for the lols..
  4. • I have to agree with Jiggems

    • You can help out new players and make sure they have what they need, say a minimum of 5-10kcs?

    • They need to learn themselves. Just like crawling before they walk

    • It is so much easier to grow faster now these days then 4 years ago

    ? Jiggy, wheres my golden spoon?
     Tox 
  5. We volley our new members to 1B, have them get 5kcs, a 75m tutor, and start saving for the next tier. If they fail to ug to 5kcs in a week (considering it takes less than an hour after volley), they are considered to be inactive, are kicked, and offered to the smaller members building their max plunder as inactives.

    If I'm volleying someone from campus, I stop at 300m, and watch for what club they join. If it's an RP only, they stay 300m or I let them go. RP/Party i go 500-750 depending on party history. Party only I'll go 1b.

    The new plunder system has caused some inflation to the tutor market, but going to 5B for an unknown noob that may 1) become an RP only player, 2) be an occasional player, 3) rage quit over a battle list hit... Seems very absurd to me. Yes most high stat people make 5b in one counter culture... But that's 5b that can be invested to a known loyal tut, or 5 noobs and have a change of 3/5 becoming a loyal tut.
  6. Support...
  7. Do ittttttttsupport
  9. Op you pay like .. 5m fh smh.. Jobs pay more than u 
  10. Too Late for me
  11. And all I did was ask if you had a cat or was gonna scam the b2b.. You replied you're not like me, implying I'm a scammer..
    If you apologize I'll forget it bb
  12. Open farm on op.. False information is bad.
  13. I really want to see the rl reaction of a rage quit due to bl you open your newsfeed and slam the device into a wall? I must know
  14. support
  15. It's usually:

    (Noob comes in club chat and yells) Noob: "HELLLPPP"

    (Admins and owners all respond quickly) Admin1: "What?"

    Owner: "what's wrong?"

    Admin2: "STAHP yelling?"-always the oddball admin

    Noob: I am getting farmed!!!

    Admin1: did you do anything?

    Noob: no

    Admin2: how many hits and who?

    Noob: BLHitter1 hit me 2 times.

    Admin1: 

    Admin2: ?

    Owner: Farming is generally considered 5+ hits, usually an unload.... Just buy defense pots so they have a harder time hitting, and buy attack items so you can hit back, hit back hit for hit or extra if you like.

    Noob: Forget this stupid club! You are supposed to help me you Idiots!

    (Newsfeed buzzes): Noob has reset and left your clan (<-btw support, why does it still say clan :lol:)

    -owner and admins click any links to them for a day or two and no signs of Noobius Butthurticus-
  16. already ????
  17. Yes false information is bad, also remember that mods/support cannot tell when information is true based on hearsay, op may say the above code is a scammer, or something defamatory to his character, just as code is saying the same for him. Although scamming I don't believe is covered under the ToU's False info, otherwise campus would be full of silences.

    And OP, a quick note, I realize you may be thinking "100kcs in a week to qualify for most club min stat reqs"... However it's also my experience that once a noob gets such a leg up (dv) on the beginning, they become a begging moocher constantly requesting DV from pupils or club mates. Don't raise lazy noobs.
  18. He is continuously hitting