If you can have one super power what would it be (and you can elaborate if you want)? I'd like to have Mind-Reading abilities ??
To be able to give myself infinite wishes. So I could wish that I could be invisible, be able to fly, have super strength etc. So that I can have all of the “Super Powers” But I can only obtain one at a time so it'd be fair for the game lol
Cheat codes like X, B, A, A, Left, Right, Left, Left, Y. This way I'll be able to obtain anything Muwhaha.
Omnipotent Telekinesis, including precog, mind reading/control, seed planting, hypnosis, illusion/memory manipulation.
Filling stuff. Your bank account, your fridge, yourself (like with happiness or beauty or whatever), people you hate with fatal diseases I didn't come up with this
I'd like to bend time and space.... and be able to go to the past, and the future. Also to be able to stop time ♡
I'd like the power to have someone else urinate for me. Like instead of waking up in the middle of the night, I could point to someone else and they would have to pee for me. BRILLIANT
Power over time ?? tbh I'd become a super villain if I had that ability With the means to do things I don't think I could resist the temptation
But I wouldn't be evil forever. After a while if probly focus on mastering several practices of knowledge probly focus on becoming a doctor and engineer and stuff I'd also spend time figuring out a way to make myself rich without it being illegal
Sounds like everybody is in this for them selves :lol: I'll take knowledge in exposing the truth and help the mindless people to use their third eye of corrupt companies and governments. Oh wait I'm already doing that :roll: #StayTurnedIn