Caleb looks towards Kyle. "I have to pee." Richard looks towards Olivia and Mina. "Sorry to burst your playdate love, but I think things might be starting to get interesting."
"It was called a last minute distraction and escape plan," Olivia hisses quietly, her hand resting on her leg in close reach of her gun. Kyle looks under a table to see an empty bottle and throws it to Caleb. "Knock yourself out," he comments before watching the masked man.
Caleb looks at the bottle, then back at Kyle. "Don't think this will hold the other." Richard smirks. "Well love, there's only certain people distracted by you, and none of them significant."
The masked man suddenly turned dark as he flipped a few cards in his hand. "However... you don't know... but I know you..."
Lauryn watches the man cautiously, drawing her hand back to her dress again. Olivia sighs before throwing a grape at Richard's head. Kyle just stares at Caleb briefly before pointing to a door in the van. "There's the toilet. Knock yourself out. It's quite easy to do if you stand up too quickly, there's a low ceiling," Kyle comments.
Masked man: "And I gotta admit... I like what I see and my performance tonight..." He reaches up and removes his mask smirking. "Will surely go off with a bang." Name: Cale Burns Aka Gambit Age: 21 Role: Villain Appearance: ... t.jpg.html] Best skill/skills: Slight of hand, Stealth, Parkour, Hand to hand combat, Good with any weapon, Bomb maker. Bio: Like the mischief maker he is, Cale loves to blow up things and cause mass chaos. He tends to make an a grand entrance before going out with a bang. He has a wicked sense of humor that causes alot of bodies or money to pile up. He earned his nickname from his favorite game of cards and tends to blow stuff up by wiring his cards to blow up on contact. Extra: He likes rigging playing cards to go off as bombs and his bite is worst that his bark.
(Accepted) Olivia glares at Richard. "No, there isn't. I thought you needed the damn bathroom," Kyle states. "You call my sister that one more time Rich, I'll kill you myself." Lauryn curses quietly before turning on her headset. "Dark, Gambit is here," Lauryn mumbles. Cameron curses and drops the knife in his hand which lands by the last one, causing him to curse again and get another knife out. "Okay," Cameron replies.
"Guys, move out. Don't make it too obvious either. If you have to make out with a random person to do it, I don't care. We need most of you out," Lauryn whispers. Cameron manages to stab the knife into the generator, killing the lights and air conditioning. Lauryn takes out her gun quietly, the night vision within her mask kicking in quickly. "Get moving. It's about to get warm," Lauryn whispers. "Air freshener is in there, just don't gas yourself out with that," Kyle replies not missing a beat as he focuses on the screens
(I realized hence why I called him Gambit. He has a nack for blowing up stuff and so does Gambit from X men except Gambit is a mutant not normal.) Cale: "oh baby... its about to get loud!" He throws a card at the food table causing it to blow up and cause a fire.
Olivia ducks to the floor, holding herself up before she smacks her face on it. "Well that was delightful," she mutters to herself as she crouched on the ground. She looks round to find Mina, "you okay M?"
Mina was cough as she scarmbled away from the fire. "I'm fine!" Cale looked to his left and threw another card at the windows causing it to explode creating another fire.
Olivia nods, keeping close to the floor. "Ky, which way?" Olivia says through the noise. "If you both go to your right, you should be okay," Kyle replies. Jacob grabs Daisy's hand and they start moving away from the second fire that broke out with the crowd, blending in easily. Cameron climbs back into the building and into the room quickly going back to the edge of the party. He looks round, spotting Daisy and Jacob almost out of the party and then Lauryn still stood with Drew.