Real Life PIMD Couples

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Niah_Phoenix, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. My bf and I met on here a year ago in June. We "met" in the old club(been disbanded since though) Royal VIPs. We exchanged third party app info then started flirting, next thing we knew we exchanged numbers and flirted some more. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me other than my 4 yr old son Juan Jr, and my 2 yr old son Giovanni, of course. Anyways, we met 2 weeks later in person.(last year in June) and we still play pimd together. He's my rs and my rl bf. I love him so so much!!!! I'm so happy we met bc we've been together for 1 year and been through everything together. He's my heart and treats my son like he's his kid, which is good bc Giovanni deserves it. Anywho, he's my babycakes and I love him. Thats my "cute" love story. Love you -OG-France_AmbersNaughtyDevil
  2. So cute that I cry tears of joy. ╥_╥ so cute
  3. Hi I'm khaos and I have been married to my rs for 7 years and we have a 6 year old daughter we currently live in Oklahoma. We may fight sometimes but she and my daughter are my world. BUNNI I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH BEAUTIFUL.
  4. Welp i met my bf a year ago on something else, then we talked for months, finally decided it was time to date and then we met up face to face. It didn't take us long to fall in love. Just last month, i got him to download the game and he liked it enough to keep playing from time to time while always sticking by my side.

    -I met him online on a actual dating site lool.

    But besides that, weve been together for awhile, no breakups, tons of fights and arguments but each argument we have pulls us closer because we really don't want to lose eachother no matter how overprotective we both can get. Two messed up people together, Both healing eachother little by little as we go through life together with our messed up pasts, and our bright futures ahead of us. Heck i met my soulmate, and il take him with me everywhere i go, on everything i play that he may take a interest in just as i take a interest in some of his games.
  5. 
  6. Me and madman has a love story and it just started
  7. I met my partner online. A friend recommended the site. It was great! You can choose the hair colour, eye colour etc. if she gets a hole in her they will replace her free of charge. 
    I love her to bits! She never expects anything or answers back. 
  8. Soooooo

    How many of you guys that posted a while ago are still together??️
  9. :lol:
  10. My rs is my real life husband and my tut our real life daughter and her rs her real life bf lol. Be careful when a wife and mom becomes a pimd addict. She will drag everyone into the game lol.
  11. Niah and I are. Happily married living in Washington state
  12. Ugh. Goals.
  13. Sup Patty
  14. ???? Now where do I get a mod to delete my posts.
  15. Arion? ? hmmm
  16. Hay! :lol: this thread is full of goals

  17. This is really sweet!