"Nope." Spade looked up at the sky. "I found a few other stuff but I won't tell you." Dom said jokingly to Mina.
Olivia smirks as she watches out of the corner of her eye. Kyle chucks a piece of screwed up paper at Dom. "Dude, help me sort through the crowd," he asks, referring to the small list of criminals he's already found. Lauryn smiles at the Parsons woman. "I was just saying how this is beautifully set up," Lauryn says with a smile, gesturing slightly to the room with a hand. The Parsons woman merely looked up to take in their presence.
Dom didn't even look up as he wrote down each and every criminal name while looking at the computer. Drew nodded. "It has a beautiful elegance, my family would definitely like to stay here once I take my vacation from work." He said with a smile. "The way it is set up, the painting, the decoration, everything is magnificent."
Kaliya and the guy were now laughing as he got her champagne. Mina smiled at the woman as she answered the woman and Dom at the same time. "Such as?"
"Many things." Dom answered. Spade talked to one of the bodyguard, having a friendly conversation with him.
Kyle blinks at the list a couple of times before shaking his head. "Should have said that earlier," he mumbles. Lauryn smiles, pressing slightly more into his side. "That's if you do get a vacation. They're forever calling you in for overtime," she says lightly. "I know the feeling. Work is always making my partner and I rushed off our feet. There's never time to relax," the Parsons woman responds with a small smile of her own. "I'm so glad I didn't put more on this," Olivia mutters, pushing herself up from the pillar, leaving her empty glass with one of the floating waiters.
Mina laughed with the woman and left but had taken the necklace easily while others spoke to the woman. Kaliya stroked the man's arm before whispering something in his ear and walked away.
Dom grabbed the iPad with his free hand and came up another list as he pushed it to Kyle. "The few remaining." He continued staring at the screen. "The woman is there but the guy isn't, I guess we got caught on a little few." He joked. "Look up the direction I said earlier." He ordered Kyle. "I at least try most of my time to spend time my free time with my darling, we wouldn't have been here if her boss hadn't given her permission to leave early from work." Drew said with a smile. "My name is Bartolomeo Cornelius Florence and this is my wife Judith Florence." He introduced himself and Lauryn before giving a bow to her.
Kaliya smirks and passes her a ring that was stolen a couple months ago. "Pleasure doing business with you." Mina: "I got the necklace Dom."
"Just keep a watch out for the man, I'm busy right now trying to send different escape plan to each of you once it starts." Dom said.
"Hey, you look gorgeous so no need to be negative about your appearance or if they stare at you or not." Dom reply.