The Watchmen Academy (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -Ali-Touched_By_Weeping_Angels, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. Kaliya smirks. "Is that a challenge?"

    Evan shook his head as he observed the people around him.

    Mina just put her mask on and walked around avoiding all the men and women staring at her.
  2. Drew looked over at Lauryn and saw the woman, before standing up. "Hmmm."
  3. Mina quickly stood in the shadows. "I shouldn't be here...."
  4. Richard smirks. "Who said I wanted attention?"

    Caleb: "What?"
  5. Mina scoffs and spoke to Richard through the com. "I hate the attention. I shouldn't even be here."
  6. "Right,left,straight,up,left,down." Dom starting muttering to himself.
  7. Mina just took a glass with champagne and just stood in the shadow by herself listening to everyone.
  8. Olivia grinned, taking another sip of her drink. "Why wouldn't it be?" Olivia asks.

    Lauryn stops and leans across a bar, quickly getting served her drink. She smirks slightly as she straightened, ignoring the lingering eyes as she walks towards Drew. "Found her," she mutters as a question and a statement at the same time.

    "You're 14 years old!" Kyle exclaims.
  9. Dom looks through the building camera and spots a necklace. "Hmm, isn't that the necklace that went missing 6 years ago, worth 200 million dollars." He said to Mina. "MWOMAN sitting down on the d third table to the left."

    Drew nodded. " I know, shouldn't be too troublesome getting to know her." He smirked at Lauryn. "Act like my date and we will try speaking with her."
  10. Richard: "And who exactly would I want attention from?"

    Caleb: "So?"
  11. Lauryn rolls her eyes before smiling sweetly. "Like that hasn't happened before either. Shall we?" She asks quietly, offering out her empty hand.

    Kyle groans, hitting his head on a table repeatedly.

    "You don't like it as they're getting more attention than you are from the female population," Olivia mutters.
  12. Kaliya: "you're on."

    Mina: "alright." Mina walked forward and loosened the necklace from the back before talking to her.
  13. Drew takes her hand and starts walking.
  14. (I feel bad for Kyle lol)
    Richard: "Like I said, I don't care about attention from these people."

    Caleb gives Kyle a confused look. "You're weird."
  15. Olivia smirks, holding out a hand for Kaliya to shake.

    Lauryn looks round the room as they walk. "How many people in their ring do you think are here?" She whispers.

    "Too many," Cameron and Kyle reply, Kyle's response being louder. Kyle is now sitting to attention, picking the faces out of the crowd.

    "No, you're weird. I mean you tried hitting on Lauryn," Kyle says after turning his microphone off.
  16. "Don't blow your cover yet." Dom warns her.

    Spade stood outside the building with a cigar on his hand. "Gotta play the part right, I guess." He whispered to himself.

    "300 guess and in a few more minutes, another few." He whispered to Lauryn.
  17. Mina smiles and made a suggestion her hair that she understood and was having a conversation with the woman.

    Kaliya shook it.

    Evan was flirting and getting intel from the women who were taking an interest in him.
  18. Olivia smirks before glancing at the guy as if to say go on then.
  19. Kaliya walked up to the guy and smiled at him.
  20. "Maybe I'm not caught out to be here, go back to my home." Spade said to himself.