_Bittersweet Sundown_

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BS-Brad-, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. Tired of the new pimd? Tired of clubs that are so worried about their electronic money? Someone picking on you and your club not having your back?

    Back in 2011 and 2012 the bl button was life. If someone messed with one of yours then you stood up for them no questions asked!

    I've visited quite a few clubs since my return a few months ago and in that I have found friends that feel the same way I do. Are we gonna party? Well yea why miss out of the stat items.. The only difference is we put them to use!

    Once war tournament is over we will be randomly challenging clubs to wars to see who is ready to man up and accept.

    Our mission is to get back to the old pimd so anybody that wants to join us is more than welcome even you party fairies that wanna branch out and learn life outside of atas standards.

    Performance enhancing is supported.

    Ata you pretty much suck but hey I'm still playing so kudos to you.

    All trolls welcome on my thread however, you must realize the following post are fails..

    1. K
    2. Cool
    3. First
    4 cool story

    And basically anything like those. Put some effort into your post you blue waffle munchers
  2. K cool. First cool story.
  3. Challenging random clubs to war hardly ever works. I remember when Jopo started Wargasm they challenged multiple dozens of club to war, there were maybe 3-4 clubs that accepted and most of them were clubs made by friends full of mercs. But, I wish you the best of luck.
  4. I was going to say something similar, but this seems sufficient enough.

  5. Fully aware. However, we shall shut the people "wanting war" up this way
  6. There was a time when you could click on club rivals and declare war ... Now u can't do that .. Becoz their busy wit a party
  7. Aaw I'm not 2011 or 2012.
    #2013 lol. Good luck to you guys
  8. I heard that back then y'all mostly waited for an inactive farms regen. Lol.
  9. True !!
  10. Hearing a living is the difference between knowing and assuming
  11. Some did. The others warred almost constantly. Or bl hit. But im talking long before even pwars took their hold. It was always more fun hitting an active. It still is
  12. Sounds like u want to end warring with that last stament
  13. Yea when I quit there wasn't pwars yet
  14. I (and a lot of other party faries I've talked to) want to war, but without b2b cat when not in a war, you'd never make money. Personally when I get lcbc I'll start waring. Then, There will litteraly be nothing to lose. Nothing confuses me more than lcbc people who refuse to war because they "don't want to lose their money". Like, you already got what you need.
  15. Blah blah blah another forum warning , shut up and just do it...most of us could care less.

    Everybody should just let the game to die :lol: