Enlighten yourself please

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lllllIlllllIllllllIllllIlllllI, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. ^
    You actually think that by eating animals you can't have peace in your life? What level of dud are you?

    How is religion the anti-Christ?
    You believe in the anti-Christ yet you don't believe in religion
  2. He just needed to be enlightened ?
    And i think he just was

  3. just for those Super Christian Freaks don't overthink
  4. When did I say that atheists hated God?

  5. Open your eyes people :lol:
    Eating animals will just result in personal karma, do as you please. Hopefully kids do see this so they don't end up stubborn like the old age. Btw Pythagoras wrote that quote not me 
  6. You shouldn't eat anything really.. Cause everything that comes out of the earth is also alive, so that's bad karma for you aswell.

    Whereas I will enjoy eating my chicken burgers, k?
  7. Humans evolved from eating meat ?
    You're body consumes the protein
    Your brain needs protein

    And you're lacking it obviously ?
    Proteins and brains

    I don't eat salads because it's for the poor 
    I'd rather have an Alberta Grade A steak
    Don't wanna harm grass and leaves because it's from a Living plant
  8. Read genesis 1:29  Animals feel pain, fruits and plants don't. Just incase you didn't know that.... Enjoy Burger King now because when you reincarnate evolution will help guide you. Seems to me you're just a young soul having fun in the old age era. @Man

    @Vald - Plant food contains the 8 essential amino acids humans need. Do your research, protein is in fruit and plants. If you don't think I get enough find me the medical term of people who become protein deficient. There isn't a word :lol: If you intake the calories you get the protein you need. Fun fact : Meat eaters are usually fiber deficient 
  9. I don't read the bible dude, stop assuming everyone reads the bible. If you slaughter an animal, it too doesn't feel any pain as it's whole body becomes numb when the blood vessels which are around the throat are cut. If plants and animals don't feel pain, it doesn't mean they're not alive still, that's a bad excuse.

    I won't reincarnate either.
    I'll die
    Then be in my grave
    Then be resurrected on the last day and be judged.
    On that day you can tell God how you were enlightened so you thought religion was the antichrist and that you lived a peacefull, heavenly life so you shouldn't burn in hell fire.
  10. However meat contains more portion. You'll have to eat more plant food just to be equivalent to the intake of, say a piece of bacon. You'll be more full just to have the same intake.

    This is why having a balanced diet in every food category is necessary. Just eating plants is not healthy as to just eating meat.

    To your karma thing:

    I believe it's a placebo. If you don't believe in karma you won't be anxious if you do something bad. If you do something bad and believe in karma, you'll be more anxious and little things you do, which you won't even care will become a devastating pull.

    The placebo effect has been tested and proven, karma is a synonym to placebo.

  11. Don't you just want to take a bite?
  12. @Man

    Okay so this is what I just read tell me if it's accurate

    • If you slaughter an animal it doesn't feel pain
    • Animals don't feel pain
    • Somewhere in space there's a hell fire
    • You won't reincarnate, you'll die and be reincarnated (Resurrected).

    Just genius ?
  13. Yes jiggly meat contains more protein. But humans have never had an issue with protein deficiency.

    Oh and correct me if I'm wrong...

    Eating just plants is not healthy but consuming dead flesh, vains, and muscles is? ?
  14. Seems about right
    However I never said that animals don't feel pain or that hell is within space, and there is a difference between resurrection and reincarnation.
  15. Humans evolved from it...

    Dogs live better with meat

  16. This is why I'm vegan
  17. No, we've never had problems as a large amount of us will consume meat as we know the benefits.

    I agree with Mr Putin.
  19. [/quote

    I'm over 9000!