A person that said hi to me

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__-, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. Yessssss
  2. I'm not asking you to share.
    Besides, I never kiss and tell anyway
  3. Hahahahah yeah you could only dream of kissing her anyways
  4. She probably kissed him
  5. Lety would never do that to us
  6. I'd never tell.
  7. Yeah she definitely did
  8. Gee thanks tim
  9. Always gotta be Tim
  10. Tim is just mad because you didn't kiss him.
  11. We will never agree on if I'd dream of letylaughz kissing me or not but we can agree on showing letylaughz how great the PIMD Community is by spamming letylaughz with gifts and wall art!
  12. Alice o: whyyyy
  13. Sorry babe, I'll shush now lol
  14. Don't let her intimidate you Alice!
  15. Lety you're grounded.
  16. What whyyyyy
  17. Hi Adam, welcome to letylaughz thread gift and follow letylaughz if you want thanks
  18. Lety is mine! end of discussion back off :roll:

  19. When you love someone don't you want to share it with the whole world?