[WAR] Tournaments Arise

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DUH-EnergizerBunny, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. Here lets do this
  2. Im in 
  3. I'm in sign me up
  4. Sign me up.
    Lcbc 7mil
    This account.
  5. Will this be done by August 11th?
  6. Yes, it is on the 3rd, 5th and 8th of August. All of them start at 1PM EST for this very first trial run.
  7. I hope everyone actually shows up and commits to the war now that there's a hunt on.
  9. So um my goldfish has surgery all next week so I have to back out :(.

    Sike double sike sike. Just bumping this ?.
  10. Signing up! I'm 62Kcs