Why is this still happening? Ask google or urban dictionary. Idk how y'all can live without knowing the meaning of your name.
My name is Olga, it means having a lot of energy to stay awake and watch Netflix for a long period of time while eating vanilla ice cream.
This is what my name(Olga) means on urban dictionary A gorgeous woman, she's kind, always thinks of other poeple. You will be lucky to meet an olga sometime in your life. She will be the most attractive, nicest and bootylicious person you have ever met, you will never want to let her go. Olga is simply the sex. Mom: Hey son, do you have a girl freind yet? Son: No, but i like this girl in school, she's so hot, smart and funny. Mom: Oh I know the type, the Olga. Son: Yep, damn.