Reporting Prize Spinner Issues

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Julzz, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. I watched it click past the cats to money it was like nope no free cats right after it stopped
  2. I am on iOS and I don't see the prize spinner on the side can anyone help me?
  3. Update your app
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  4. how minutes needed to watch another ads?
    first it took 5-10 minutes for me,
    now ads gone forever. lol

    im ios btw

  5. Mines doing the same stops on something great and bumps to Cash
  6. Mine just force closes..
  7. I was supposed to land on hypno 3 times but NOOOO it had to push up to Cash
  8. I got the same problem as you Honey. :roll:
  9. Same thing happened to me about 5 or 6 times now. Three times on something good it bumped down, giving me cash. Then twice or three times it landed on cash just about to get something good, it didn't move. I emailed at a about this. But they probably made this bug lmao
  10. Or, people can not be lazy and email ata as a large number of emails about an issue would be more attention drawing and promote faster change.
  11. The only way I can watch an ad is if I force close the app

    Open pimd go to the forums screen back out to main and then the video thing will be there

    Watch get coins and force close and start again
  12. This is rigged like those roulette machines.
  13. watched 2 videos, did not receive my tokens:(</3
  14. Watch a video for tokens it says I get twenty but it still shows I got none from video
  15. Same

  16. Same here ??
  17. Watched 4 ads and no tokens ?
  18. I got the same issue. But this time the earn button didnt showed up.
  19. to me its a rig and they should be ashame to put this on here thats my point