What have you learned from the ads?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. I learned more about alcohol
  2. I learned if you turn your phone volume down, and tv volume up. The ads are not so annoying
  3. Hmm... interesting question... I think the majority of us would say yes
  4. COUGH game of war COUGH Kate Upton
  5. True. Sometimes I play the ad and go do something else so I don't have to watch.
  6. I did, don't worry
  7. 5 sec ads all day hahahahaha
  8. I learned of you watch the videos then after the videos over you don't get your coins -_-
  9. I learnt about mental health discrimination in nz
  10. ive learned to not watch the ads 
  11. Some ads are creepy. Especially that one with unicorns. :lol:
  12. Connect the dots in a square and something exciting happens.
  13. Am I the only one who doesn't watch the ads?  I don't even look at my phone while it's on. Too boring. 
  14. I learn that this new spin thing is harder then it looks
  15. I learned I can be a dragon master and to do that just keep throwing stuff at the dragon
  16. That's very exciting
  17. I just learned that in 1 min 30 sec so much can be done.
  18. How do I get the Earn button to start working?
  19. Click on it
  20. No he's having the same problem I had the button is greyed out so clicking does nothing, I just waited mines just started working took a day and a half