Forum Coding

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed41518, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. You wanna know how to post gifs?
  2. He is trolling you ?
  3. Nah, he's just learning
    He's still a coding noob
  4. Everyone starts somewhere
  5. Yea I'm a noob
  6. What she said ^
  7. I want to know how to get the seconds that I wasted reading this back from my life
  8. Looking at all those forums posts that you've made, you've seem to have wasted months if not years reading/replying to crap
    Isn't it a little late to ask for a refund?
  9. Ooh yay it worked!
  10. I laughft :lol:

  11. :lol:
  12. theres a wayy better thread that explains this instead of asking this noob.