Lol oh lord... prank pinning is an easier way of pinning depending on builds lmao, no one said they'd just prank, people use fight once your dtw to take your cash
No I never said I was farming you. I'm just keeping you pinned. I could easily fight you and pin you that way but I like prank pinning. It gets people mad who think they know how to play this game.
Oh yes I am mad. I am so mad that I'm worse than TFS Vegeta being mad about the DragonBall being taken. Didn't you read my post? Farmers are fun to be around. Why you think I laugh every time you prank?
(..... This person obviously doesn't have a brain.) This game is too simple to play. I can see you're getting mad about the things I say. Lolumadbruh?
Oh now you're asking me questions? Now you want knowledge from me? Haha I thought you was smarter than that babes.
I don't want knowledge from you, I already have my own perspective on farming that isn't influenced by you at all. I'm jut curious on why you think fighting is the only form of farming.
Well you have your own knowledge of saying pranking someone is farming em when really you're just pinning them, and I don't do pranks. I fight. I like seeing ppl cry on my wall asking why I attack em. It gives me more reason to attack em. You think that pranking me and keeping me pinned is gonna make me mad but in all actuality, its making me laugh. If I could post a video of me laughing at y'all every time you prank I would. Its that funny.
You must have a completely different reason for farming, because I see pranking as the best way to reduce your enemies energy while still keep a good amount of yours. This reduces the amount of incomes you receive and keeps the players pinned. While you just fight for the the players that come crying to your wall, and I can assure you that they come crying for both fight, pranks and dances ️ and regarding our situation, I can assure you none of us will come crying for a cf like Jello has. And regarding farm wars, why would you fight when nobody has any money out? The best maneuver would be to prank to reduce the maximal amount of energy they have.