Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by I-GulingandPlayPIMDNonStop, Jul 20, 2015.

  1. They Should Do A Disco Event... with A African American Girl..
  2. Why must she be African American?
    What's wrong with her being Swedish?
    Why must she be a she anyway?
    Although girls from sweden are quite pretty..
  3.  So u just want the Afro? No human... Just the Afro  Str 0% Int 0% DISCOOOOOOOOOO 69%
  4. swedish is like white kinda ?
  5. I totally agree he scared me as a child!!!
  6. White girls can have afros too

  7. You said Afro and I thought of this...?
  8. Well 50s disco hunt it is. Good job using ava :)
  9. Y'all seem to really be letting anything slide as an Afro. That white girl does not have an Afro, that Asian man does not have an Afro.

    An Afro is a thick hairstyle defined by extremely tightly coiled curls. It is natural hair state for many black people across the diaspora.

    So yes it would make sense for ATA to make the avatar with an Afro black. If it's a natural fro, a black avatar would make sense.

    I suppose the white version would be the Jewfro. Anything else is just really curly hair tbh, and it's kind of amusing what people will call an Afro. Frizzy hair does not count. Just having curly hair doesn't count for me. Just having thick hair doesn't count. You hair legit has to defy gravity and be tightly coiled, end of story.

    Now as for a disco dress up theme anyone can get put on a fake fro. So YOLO.