Hi. 8th Time I survived

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DarthMaul, Jul 19, 2015.

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  1. Guess I can't used Disney characters to name people. HI GUYS. 24hours is killer. I accomplished so much. I now play kaw and I will kick ass there.
  2. what?
  3. I'm daddy to you.
  4. Will you ever come back???
  5. Ay. I am back. What's up, emo?
  6. You mean I can't say that Aladdin from the movie Aladdin was, in fact, a peasant ?
  7. -Gets banned for saying "emo"-
  8. A street rat. Commoner. Thief. Afraid to venture on his own.
  9. Aladdin was the original slumdog millionaire imo.
  10. He was a good looking young man that thought he needed money to be happy.
  11. This is why I love you so much.
  12. Lol nothing i just missed you you big noob? its to often noobs get tired of their noobiness and quit for being a noob
  13. No obnoxious you can't use Disney characters in the way you did and that was in a discriminatory fashion. Answered locking.
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