Battle Button Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BS-Brad-, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. Alright most of you party fairies are gonna run away and not participate in my little game and that's ok but here's the rules..

    You hit the last person to post on the thread 3x and report on the thread.. Here's the catch when you report you become the next target.

    So the first person will hit me 3x and report then the second person will hit them and report and so forth.

    Don't farm the person! this is a fun way to get some use out of the battle button before ATA completely removes it..

    How to report

    3/3/7 f brad
    3 success
    3 attempts
    Defender used 7 defense items
    F fight
    D dance
    And then the persons name

    Let's see who has the guts to play ?
  2. Also no returning hits you chose to join the game
  3. ^ 1/3/0 f t.t
  4. 0/3/7 f QQ I hate u
  5. Lelz tf is this

    1/3/7 f ?
  6. :lol: we both hit savage
  7. 0/2/7 f *

    1/1/6 d
  8. there, fixed it lol I got excited I got thru on something, I knew wut I meant
  9. 0/2/7 f dtw ? boobookiti
  10. Vice 3/3/7f ?
  11. Jihi 1/3/7 f ?
  12. 1/3/7 f ^?
  13. 0/2/7 f^
    0/1/6 d^
  14. 6/7/7 f ^
  15. 0/3/7 f Savage :c pots and rs boost xD
  16. 0/2/6 d vice np