Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. This is not 2000, and we are not on a Nokia 3310
  2. Cj youre so disowned as my rp buddy :(
  3. 
  4. Wayne is pretty good. He guessed mine straight off
  5. I will call you a true thot for now on.. Since the original thot word is over used I'll call you a true thot.
  6. Moved on cause cholo made ya Mad?
  7. And you care about what I do because? Kinda makes me wonder...
  8. U thirsty much
  9. Only kids like you get mad.. I moved on cause he seeks attention.. That I will not give him lol.

    And jello I don't care about what you do thot.. Its disturbing to see a young lady that could've post a pretty smile selfie but chose to show her chest. Like a thot.

  10. Tick tock
  11. If you don't care, stop posting your irrelevant opinions.  Kthanksbye.
  12. Ur irrelevant mmmmk
  13. If they are irrelevant then you would ignore them thirsty thot.
  14. You choose to ignore my statement cause it made you mad, son. But its cool. You'll never win an argument against me. lel
    And bruh. I know your ass looking at her clevage, drooling though your gaps.
  15. Correct 
  16. Swear u just love attention
  17. Point for beach action photos?
  18. Nah you are hop off thanks
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