solution to lack of wars

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BS-Brad-, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. 18 ?
  2. 34 can you not read yourself?
  3. He just posted more ?
  4. A cup.
    Edit: training bra.

  5. I'd prefer to spoon
  6. That was smooth a'f.
  7. PIMD community doesn't have wars bcz they are not profited by it.....I mean if there's a hunt,many would buy cat for ec....whereas its not the case with wars
  8. Ever heard of dns?

  9. Pimd community has nothing to do with people warring.. The war button is and has always been there.
  10. [​IMG]" style="max-width: 100%;" />

    Yeah! That's what I think ?
  11. Why do I need to wipe BEFORE I poop?
  12. :/ stupid coding

  13. That's my point half the stuff these people say is like wiping before you poop it makes no sense
  15. Wipe before you poop it? Wot!?
  16. spooning leads to forking.
  17. People just don't want to war. They like to complain though and make excuses why they are not going to war. They're just in denial.