pimd originals

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BS-Brad-, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. Only playing buddy 
  2. Some people lying on here brad lol
  3. Wars were the best back in the day! I started back in January of '11 lol
  4. When I joined the game film snob items and that party gorilla guy were dropping. I started off with a club called Pure Devotion but I did some noon thing and the owners kicked me out and still hate my guts because they are on there period 24/7 but that's besides the point. I remember when wars were the sh*t and cat cafe was pwar for 24 or 48 hours and at least 25-100 wars going on at a time. Pond was great back then and I truly miss it.#3yearvet
  5. I ment 25-100 clubs warring not wars
  6. When all tuts was not so freaking over priced!!! Lol I remember helping ppl start ok I'm going to volley u to 240m buy 12 dorms put in 6 hackers an 6 jocks. Now ppl start an first day get a volley to 2b what is that lol
  7. That's what I'm saying! I met a noon the other day who was still grey and was almost 300kcs!

  8. Haha pics or it didn't happen 
  9. I am not lying

  10. Lalitotopbull still plays ?
  11. I remember wars being more intense, people were a lot nicer, and completing jobs and getting 10bil was a big deal...ahhh memories
  12. great memories️old skool ️
  13. Preach!
  14. OMG so long ago
  15. I remember all of it but yeah memory is fading away and I have completely lost interest in pimd but I come once in a while to visit forums or reply to PM #3YearsOfPIMD
  16. Omg the struggle was real

  17. Omg when tge friends you had actually met something
  19. All the good time that people are talking about on this thread

    Was when they didnt make it there whole lives and it was just a game then