If you're so happy to criticise Wally get your own face up on here. He's got the balls to post a picture, you're just attempting to troll. Put up or shut up nub. Preferably both
[quote="caspertheghost If you're so happy to criticise Wally get your own face up on here. He's got the balls to post a picture, you're just attempting to troll. Put up or shut up nub. quote] Awwww Did I hurt ur feelings too ha ha And would but to many prevs on pimd don't want anyone stalking me
[/quote][/quote] Why would you hurt my feelings you cretin? If you look like a donkey's anus that's fine, no need to criticise Wally to make yourself attempt to feel good though ?
If you ain't fat, ugly or underage then show your face. The reality is - you're a hippo-croc-a-pig that bothers dogs for quavers
I'm not gonna pretend that I like wally bcuz I don' i cant stand him. Lol His disgusting personality matches his pic perfectly. If u don't like wat I say I really don't care. Be nice to ppl and they'll be nice to u.