pimd originals

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BS-Brad-, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. I played in febuary 2011 for a couple months but quit
  2. I remember being being in ordo and warring club a51.. It was epic back then
  3. The good wars before parties was everything before hunts and before cats like when it took time to grow your stats!!!!
  4. Finding a "secret" farm all to myself that was bigger than all the rest of my other crowded farms. He was some weird Barcode Farmer name that I could only get to off AngelEyes tut list. Used him for months
  5. Bosen is a guy from Indonesia.  If I remember correctly that is.
  6. Bosen is Caitlyn Jenner. From what I remember correctly.
  7. LOL 
  8.  He drives a taxi
  9. A51 3 clubs in top 10 
  10. Qwertyuiopasdfg type this code on campus 
  11. When every club that mattered had club art from Nora Greyheart
  12. when the MAG family was everywhere on the vip list, campus and forums. i was never in that club but i remember a few of them.
  13. I thought Bosen was a dude... I first thought they were a girl but then the club I was in was saying they're a dude. Anyways.. #clubA51 #immortals

  14. Haha Bosen is a dude false information from my jackass friend 
  15. When daboop's angels were big
  16. I still remember stumbling @7kcs into the legendary Mag war, quite wondering where my club "The Red Room" went. That was my 1st ever wat and T5 had just launched, also someone gifted me a Charlie after war :) good days indeed
  17. My original Club (Muintir Victorious Peaches) used to split into boys and girls for BoS or Odds n Even roster numbers for wars every couple months. It was fun being able to smack the club members that annoyed you lmao.

    Once these nooblishes realize wars and battling is acceptable I hope to do the same here.
  18. joining clubs is never easy.. and farming is done quietly lol
  19. But dude - you had pictures 

  20. Contrary to Wayne's belief I never stated she sent me a picture  quit playing for the other team and get back on my side