Rihanna vs Beyonće

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ForkInMySauce, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. Shakira Shakira!!!
  2. Jethro Tull
  4. ???nicki minaj?My favorite ?
  5. But if i had to pick rihanna vs beyonce?Beyonce allday way better votes and shes puts on a better performance live?
  6. If everyone could write in English, and use basic grammar, that would be great.

    I'm not sure of the back water you come from, but I doubt that classes as a good sentence there, boy.
  7. 

    But Beyonce.
    All hail?
  8. Support. ?
  9. B would always want to give you the D
  10. Congratulations on being literate. Too bad nobody gives a crap which Is why you're desperately showing it? Yes?
  11. Ma'am clearly your period came early. We get that you're a virgin. And no, riding the cotton pony doesn't count as second base.
  12. Both are worshipping satan! Indirectly, you are doing what they are doing.
  13. Awesome first post, fornicator
  14. Would you buy a collaboration from both of them?
  15. Dat ass tho
  17. Beyoncé is a queen
  18. Beyoncé cause she queen