Continue the Story

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zoony, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Hi guys I written down some words and if u like the theme of how it's going please try to help me find a meaning to these writings  this is how it goes

    "It's a bright day the sun shining and clear blue sky with partial clouds, a guy walks by on the street with the suspicious looks. The town is empty and he keeps walking alone. It is recognized it's spring time with fairly good weather to go out. The silence in town echoes with the sound of winds"
  2. Then woke up with a hangover
  3. Nope I'm not op K? K
  4. We're awful :lol:
  5. Aren't u guys afraid of being silenced after posting that word :p
  6. I died. THE END.
  7. Saying what ?
  8. Why did you guys edit your posts? :lol:
  9. Idk how to edit mate
  10. Then Gunther the penguin came out of no where and went to Starbucks. After he got his Starbucks he stood on the table and started twerking
  11. Then I threw pennies at him
  12. Clever way of getting all of you to RP... Sick bastard
  13. Shut your facehole ?

  14. So it looks like a golf ball? Start squatting jiggly is not attractive on a "booty"
  15. :( Ouch. Your joke really sucks. ?
  16. Sadly it was a joke.. If I was gonna joke I would have said "I'll shut my face hole when your mom shuts her legs"

    You almost had a good comeback but would have had the same affect as "I know you are but what am i?"

    Or the popular "third grade called they want their joke back"

    Thank you for playing who wants to relieve the glory hole.
  17. It's funny that you think you know what you're talking about. :D

  18. And you're still being basic..

    "I can't even with you right now"

    What's your order at Starbucks?