Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Pickle, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. 2 whole days? Pft. Noob ?
  2. Maybe he knows yo rp is weak bruh :lol:
  3. I saw that :lol:
  4. Key plz I beg u I'll rp with u
  5. Winner.
  6. Had you screamin tho
  7. Who the hell screams at their screen* during rp? ?

    LOLOLOLOLOL I failed so hard
  8. I scream at my scream
  9. That's hawt ?
  10. Dang! Sick flow bro.
  11. Then you'll see my banner pop up?
  12. ?Game Related Or Stupid Questions?
    ? Ask Me , That's Why I'm Here ?
  13. Oh em gee, rp, rp, RP!
  14. Oh lord... Not another one
  15. (\•>•/) give me attention and I'll spam you the gifts
  16. :lol: you must be dreamin
  17. :( wait... Maybe I was screaming.... For you to get up off meh
  18. Rp with me?