Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Don't talk bout it. Be bout it.
  2. I vote yasss :D you'll look amazing!

  3. Said no one ever
  4. Whoops. I accidentally posted that twice. It wouldn't send at first ?
  5. You believe everything people tell ya ?
  6. we are going to see if this will work. ??
  7. See ^.^ told yuh silly!

    Your eyes are super duper pretty :D
  8. Haha thank you ?
  9. I find bird really attractive Cosplay as a bunny girl pls
  10. Good idea
  11. My rockstar phase for all those who requested another selfie ??
  12. Personally I'm a huge lety fan.
  13. This reminds me of something...
  14. Of what? 
  15. :)
  16. Who requested? :?
  17. 2 keys for a cat wall me
  18. ? pretty girls all over the world.
  19. I'm trynna be original . Suck my ass
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