Free key

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ToyBot, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. Lol 
  2. Is he?

  3. I got one But not giving away?
  4. I actually popped on to see if you were trolling. Tbh not disappointed. :lol:
  5. Same....


  6. Yeeessssss my life goals are complete now
  7. I feel like not confessing to being trolled. But also like giving a bit of insight. So I went with the second one. Many people who havem't poted here stopped at the first step.
  8. Theenks lasted an hour trying to find it
  9. I would like a free key I think America is all about freedom and honoring our veterans and our country
  10. I'm guessing u didn't read till the end?
  11. Troll?

    I prefer to be referred to as a sophisticated gentleman who others feel the hurt of the butt when I speak
  12. so a

  13. #likewipingbeforeyoupoop15
  14. :lol: wtf

  15. Exactly bruh it don't make no sense
  16. But the sence has to not make so people can understand '-'
  17. I knew it would be a lie, if it was from Bronco
  18. I don't lie '-'