Farm Plans

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Guy, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. Username :  Target
    Reason: Scamming Many Players
    Details: Dance and Fight Only I Recommend You don't trade with him.    
  2. This is a good way to make yourself an open farm for all of pimd. Settle it yourself. Never call an open farm like a little pig whistler. Report to stall 6 for duty first thing in the morning down at the glory hole.
  3. Open farm.
    Reason: Going inactive.
    Dance or fight: Fight.

  4. Lies 
  5. ? you're not going inactive nab
  6. I'm uninstalling in 2 weeks for boot camp.

    Jk hell nah. My fatass ain't joining the army.
  7. Don't give him what he wants! Let him suffer :cool:
  8. Was about to say , I know your ass is emo and all 