what's the purpose of this "game"? so far, it's just looking like a trap for brainless kids set by child molesters. lmao.
Yo it would be like that if you're in a RP club JS. Umm here are tips: The following link, is a thread which explains everything for new people Guide For New Players by Jerk. Here is a guide to all jobs. You can use it to check which job you're upto. Jobs are also a way to get free Ecs. Check out the guide, some jobs will give extra credits when completed. To get free extra credits, even though you've finished all jobs, unload on the first job. The first job or the ones which says easy. Every time you complete a job (successful hit) there is a 2% chance of an extra credit dropping. The drop is random. Usually, there may not be an ec drop and sometimes there maybe 2 ec per unload. Try having max plunder. Max plunder is simply giving you the most out of your stats. It will double the money you get, when you didn't have max plunder. To have max plunder, the formula is 15m x Kcs. Kcs is your strength and intelligence added together, divided by 1,000. Here is an inactive farm list. Please check their walls, showcase and gifts to see if they are still inactive. Here are the rules: Terms of Use (ToU) Rules of Conduct (RoC) Forum Code of Conduct (FCoC) You can check out the guide and strategy section of forum for further help! If you need any more help, feel free to wall me
not even. even on the main chat thing. idk man, just a lil weird here but i enjoy the actual game aspect. thank you though, that's a super helpful guide.
you tried, jose. you really tried to come up with an articulate response and i'm letting you know right now that i acknowledge your efforts.