Guide To Making Money In PIMD

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Izzer, Jul 1, 2015.


    So Are You Under 200KCS And Your Finding It Hard To Make Any Sort Of Money?

    Well You Have Found The Right Place ... Use This Guide To Make Money To Get Higher Stats And More Money!

    What Will This Cover?

    • Making Money From Jobs
    • Making Money From BL
    • Making Money From Party
    • Making Money From CC
    • Max Plunder
    • Ways To Save
    • Tutor Stealing
    • Spamming Ec
    • Drop Volleys

    So... Now you Know What we are doing , let's get started shall we?

    TOPIC 1
    Making Money From Jobs

    So Making Money From Jobs Is probably the easiest way to make money up until your 20KCS

    All you have to do is simply keep completing jobs till you have got enough to upgrade....Simple as that

    This method is effective to get too about 8Kcs so you can start getting more money from parties and PvP

    Making Money From Bl Hitting Or Battle List Hitting

    Bl hitting is an effective way to make money quickly (especially if your at max plunder;explained later on)

    To Do This you will need to go into the people section and simply battle them.
    BEWARE DO NOT HIT TO MUCH OR YOU WILL POSSIBLY BE FARMED<span class="EmojiInput mj543" title="New Moon With Face ::new_moon_with_face::"></span>

    There Are Several Methods Used For Bl hitting , Some Include;

    • Hitting in pattern
    • Full unloading
    • Half unloading
    • Unloading with doctors notes
    • Hitting during sleep

    There is several guides for PvP and you Should go check them out....
    Found in the guide section Of The Forums

    So That's BL Hitting Done Let's move to the next Topic

    TOPIC 3
    Making Money From Parties Effectively

    Parties Are A Great Way To Make Money if you do it right, I personally prefer PvP over Parties but I'm going to cover this anyway...

    There Are 3 Different Types Of Parties On PIMD , These Three Types Are;

    • Standard Parties
    • Pro Parties
    • Drop Party's(Or Noob Parties As Most PvP Players Call Them)

    Standard parties are just your regular fake are or dumpster dive , most of them only give low to average amounts of money depending on if your at max plunder or not
    You will usually be allowed to unload on these parties however this is not always the most effective way.

    Using Normal Parties Will Make You Enough Cash To upgrade If Your Good At Saving But It Takes A Bit longer than pros and Drop Parties


    Pro Parties Are A Bit Better Than Standard ones, they have a higher cash payout , and they also are harder too complete.

    To be able to successfully hit a pro party you should use pots at all times no mater what stats you are.
    Pro Parties Use Patterns Sometimes And If You don't have enough active big hitters then you will need to use doctors notes.

    That's Pretty much What I Could Think About for Pros<span class="EmojiInput mj543" title="New Moon With Face ::new_moon_with_face::"></span>

    Its Simple really.....
    Buy a cat or a kini and BC in a day right....

    No But in all seriousness these parties are useful for both the amount of money you get from them and the amount of drops they produce during hunts.
    Usually Cat Cafe Will Have 500 Drops And Pizza Pop Art 250. Cat Cafe Has A 10X cash bonus for each hit and I'm unsure about PPA.

    Following Patterns On these parties are extremely useful for getting the maximum amount of cash at the end.
    Max Plunder Is The Most Important Thing During These Parties

    So now I'm done raving on about a party fairy let's get to the next topics <span class="EmojiInput mj543" title="New Moon With Face ::new_moon_with_face::"></span>

    TOPIC 4

    First You Buy A Cat

    Then You Join A Club


    This Method Will Get You Farmed And Is For Noobs Don't try It

    TOPIC 5

    This is the most important thing you'll come across when your trying to make money, its simple you don't have it then you don't make cash....simple as that.

    So! Your probably asking how you do it.

    Well first your going to need to find out your kcs
    After you have done that you multiply it by 15million for Kcs and 15B for Mcs I think, So For Example

    100KCS Max Plunder?
    Do this...
    100x15= 1500 right?
    So that means your going to need 1.5Billion worth of tutors to get the maximum amount of cash per hit. If your Farming however its also useful to get high stat tutors to help you win more fights.

    There is a few other guides you can find in the guide section explaining this in more detail but this is the very basics.


    Well Let's say you have no tutors so therefore you have no bonus if you hit a party you may only get 2m

    If You are the same stats and have max plunder you could possibly get 8-10M in cash for every hit.

    That's pretty much Plunder Explained.<span class="EmojiInput mj543" title="New Moon With Face ::new_moon_with_face::"></span>

    TOPIC 6
    Ways to save?

    Well there are many ways to save. Some of these include:
    • Saving In Tutors
    • Banking Money
    • Just Plain Old Keeping it there

      Are You One of them people who keeps trying to save but keeps buying things?

      If this is you, just set yourself a goal or try to get money really quick to save you from using it....<span class="EmojiInput mj546" title="Full Moon With Face
  2. Couple of fails in here but oh well! BIG THANKS TO KATE WHO HELPED CODE THIS!
  3. Has a decent amount of info despite the coding fails, good job on your first guide.

    But I would change the term "tutor stealing". The tutor market is one big free-for-all and anyone's tutors are up for grabs if someone can afford them.

    I think it's better to refer to it as Tutor Bumping or something like that.
  4. Thanks wolf will do, thanks for the feedback
  5. I like how there's a guide on buying a cat.
    Besides that's good info.
  6. Apologies for the couple of failed codes, that was me :( regardless, good job on first guide :) ?
  7. Pfft Kate. 

    Good job, as Wolf said you can call it tutor trading.
  8. I did that to keep you trolls out?
  9. Not a troll.just find it interesting how pimd guides have progressed.I mean it's actually a good guide.
  10. Guess that new players nowadays dont know about inactive farming..x)
  12. You gotta teach em how to farm early
  13. Bump, I think this is helpful?
  14. Who needs innactives when you have BL :)
  15. How do you steal tutors?

    I've been accused of such things but never figured out how. Is there really a way to hire tutors without paying for them?
  16. Another wannabe honor student, give up while you're ahead :lol: :lol:
  17. So giving up his spare time to help new players which are confused about the game is better than being in a cc club? Growing isn't as simple as hit cc 2x. Wait 5 mins. Hit once. Wait 5mins. Gratz you're lcbc.

    Would you rather have people rping or people actually learning about the game because people dedicate their time to help others?
  18. Jiggy shh I'm in a cc club too
  19. NO You definitely pay for them, its just hiring someone's tutor and they hire it back and you get a bonus amount of cash, this increases the higher priced the tutor is
  20. Farming parties doesn't count, buddy.