00/PM Apology Thread

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HONEY-COCAINE, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Ximena. How the bloody hell do you know my name? ?
  2. Ivy and you are in some of my third party app chats 
  3. Oh I see. I left all chats today, hence my emo club and emo 3rd party status. Nice to meet you.
  4. Nice to meet you too  and nice club
  5. Makes me wanna perm there

  6. That thread a few days back or something, your name was floating around every few posts :3
  7. Smh, people still do public forum apologies as a cf? ??. Might as well not even hit if you are gonna chicken out and apologize for it smh.Thats the problem with this game, people would hit over tutors and farm over bl hits but get surprised when they are hit back, smh.
  8. ?Betty's slave approves this message
  9. New gen players arent farmers. They keep cash out. Cant take hits. When an old school farmer like Betty and most of Playmates / Harem are alike, they get scared and feel like they have no other option lol
  10. Can I farm u.. 
  11. Ily jopo

  12. Didn't you name change for a cf once??
  13. I'm being farmed right now, might as well join in 
  14. And didn't I throw in your face? and what did y'all do... Oh that's right.. Left me alone so A and Tpr could fight just to cf for t7. ? foot, please. You're never going to win a verbal battle with me. Im like a boulder. Stupid and unmoving. Lel and fat too LOL
  15. O
  16. I'm pretty new to pimd tho. Meh your clubs owner and Justin are gonna try with me but I'm done feeling like there's no other option. But its fun to me
  18. ??I'm just here for the free pizza??