[War]Stars and Stripes

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-DJ, Jun 30, 2015.

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  1. So as most of you know, Hooty and I have been setting up after-hunt wars. If you were there, you know that our past 2 were a great success, so here we go! Since this hunt is obviously 4th of July themed, the 2 teams will be:

    - Team Stars(DJ) vs Team Stripes(Hooty)
    - July 7th
    - 1mcs ?
    - 24hr war

    War will be declared at 1pm PST, 3pm CST, 8pm GMT, and 3am SGT (the following day, 8th). Basically, following right after the hunt. If you want to be on a certain side, please mention what team you want when you sign up. Also, if you guys upgrade/change names, please notify me or Hooty. Hope to see you all there. We welcome old and new faces!
  2. Do I have to sign up? ?
  3. LCBC
    Team DJ 5ever ?
  4. Why dont you guys make the clubs first before they get taken
  5. 4mcs

    ?And of course, Hooty's.
  6. Team Hooty
  7. ~6.7mcs
    Either side, idc
  8. As always, include me. Lcbc by then. Idc which side
  9. CAN I JOIN?????????
  10. MrPopo, the club names are usually never named what it's called in the thread. It's not going to be called Team Stars/Stripes lol
  11. No
  12. No. That's coming from both DJ and I.
  13. Hooty Side
  14. My sfw is over though. I think... Wait I actually don't even know.
  15. We're not looking for unnecessary drama.
  16. Gotcha. Maybe next time?
  17. List necessary Drama?
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