Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. [​IMG]

    Here's the roc to help you out in case you're confused ?
  2. 
  3. Can i just say Dammmmmmn lety
  4. Letys post is provocative but none more then the other selfies on here ? in my opinion
  5. Just a little selfieeee for y'all ??

  6. Are you constipated and are your eyebrows drawn on?
  7. You're adorable ?
  8. Awh thankyou hun! That made me smile ️?
  9. Yes, it's been weeks!
  10. Them eyes ?
  11. Someone needs to teach me how to have eyebrow game ?
  12. Why you do dis? :c Why ivy ?

    *drool emoji*
  13. You don't need to learn. Your natural eyebrows are perf!
  14. Me too, whenever I try do mines they look like slugs for real!! I was thinking of getting mine tatted on 
  15. Lololol ily acey
  16. That's one place I won't tattoo  looks better to just have real eyebrows.
  17. agreed.
  18. How do you even post photos on here xD
  19. Showing support for this thread...

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