PIMD Psychology

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. the pimd logo is soooo pg13
  2. Number 2 is me. 
  3. I don't go on PIMD when I'm not home cause my 3G sucks and there is no 4G where we live.

    Y u buy 4G and no werk?
  4. Thanks guys ️?
  5. I go a step futher then 3, their is a link on each homepage, that way i dont have to look for it

    # shamelesslyAddicted
  6. #3 just until one of my classmate saw it on my phone and they were like "OMG. Are you lesbian?" ?
  7. I keep it in my fitness apps folder?
  8. Its actually on a drop bar on my phone.
  9. I did #1 at first then decided not to care anymore and just do #3 
  10. Support?
  11. Here ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ
  12. #3 idrc n no one cares to check my phone
    My buddies play other games than this anyways lol
  13. #2 just because I like my icons for games in one folder, I like thing in order and it's hard to open up things on my phone to many locking apps and people get annoyed opening things up here lol
  14. Number 3!! Yup I don't care lol